Shine Living Journal

Thrival Kit for Your Soul's Expansion

Thrival Kit for Your Soul's Expansion

When we were in the grocery store the other day, a woman that used to frequent our restaurants and play our stages said “I see you in your evolution and all you are becoming and I think it is magnificent.” It sparked this month's theme of Soul Expansion. Usually, when we walk around town people often ask will you do another restaurant? We miss it! And as much as we love to hear it, we also love when we can share what we are up to now. Same mission, totally new vision and an invitation to build new systems by raising our energy together in community. It feels so powerful and so alive for us and right on time with these times. These times are calling for all of us as a humanity to expand our souls. So this month we launch into just that. Read on for practices to support your soul's expansion and to see all that we are launching into life this month.

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Thrival Kit: 3 POWERFUL Techniques for Self-Love Activation 🔥♥️

Thrival Kit: 3 POWERFUL Techniques for Self-Love Activation 🔥♥️


The relationship to ourselves is the single most important relationship in our life, period. It directly affects our experience of life as well as every other relationship in our life. It is vital, especially in the world we live in which can bombard us with messaging that may lead to feelings of unworthiness, that we come back to our practice that takes us to a deeper knowing of self-love.

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Thrival Kit for the Healer Within

Thrival Kit for the Healer Within

Here at Shine Living Community, we support the natural healing process by raising our energy and by learning to deeply listen within. When we practice this in community, it amplifies the results because the energy is literally and scientifically proven to be contagious. This is why we have created an inspiring community of people willing and ready to heal from the inside out.

Dance, yoga, breath, meditation, holistic nutrition, COMMUNITY AND CONNECTION are the pathways to bring us into an elevated state and when our energy is elevated, we can see possibilities that we can’t see when we are stuck in fear. We also become empowered in our body and in our mind which brings us into balance, our healing state.

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Journaling or writing is a tool we use to help clear the brain, to work out a challenge by prompting certain questions and see what wants to come, or to remember or share an experience or teaching that has shifted our view of the world. Each entry will have prompts to ponder and write if you are called to. BEGIN WITHIN…..