Thrival Kit: 3 POWERFUL Techniques for Self-Love Activation 🔥♥️

Love, Health, and Self-Healing

The relationship to ourselves is the single most important relationship in our life, period. It directly affects our experience of life as well as every other relationship in our life. It is vital, especially in the world we live in which can bombard us with messaging that may lead to feelings of unworthiness, that we come back to our practice that takes us to a deeper knowing of self-love.

Self-Love is Not a Goal, It’s a Practice

We believe that the most important ingredient we need to live a fulfilled life is a love affair with ourselves.

Like any other muscle, it needs to be worked on to grow and as we strengthen it, we see how our entire world shifts to one of authentic expression and expansion. We discover how every relationship in our life shifts because we are emitting the frequency of love and that is what is then reflected back. From this energy we are sending forth from the inside, we also broadcast more love into the world.

Energy is Contagious

We truly believe that to love oneself is an incredible act of service to not only ourselves, but to our families, our communities and to the world!

Our relationship to self-love often gets clouded through limited programming and beliefs that we may have picked up along the way. Many of us have spent so much time in performance mode or production mode, basing love and worthiness off of success of a goal or from outside validation. True self-love comes from within.

It comes from acceptance and loving kindness towards ourselves. It comes from understanding that we are so much more than our physical bodies and our perceived successes or failures. We are each unique and beautiful expressions of universal energy. We are that powerful and amazing!

Practice and Presence

Through practice and presence, we uncover and discover more of ourselves. We breathe life into the new parts of ourselves that we may have hidden away. We learn to let our light SHINE in all that we are. When we reconnect to the love inside of us, we undo the trauma and pain, the broken-heartedness and we remember our wholeness. So how do we tap into this energy? It is such a big part of what we do together at Shine Living Community and we invite you to join us through these practices below and through our weekly classes and events for the whole family to enjoy.

Oh and just a warning…. there are a few side effects you should be aware of…

You will get to a place where you feel so good from all of this self-love that you let go of resentment.

You could care less about the car that cuts you off on the road, the person that wronged you years ago, the snide comment a co-worker made.

You let that go, you forgive. Why?  Because it’s not worth losing this feeling you have! You let it go for your own resilience and vitality. And this energy you are creating inside of you can also heal your physical body too, it raises your immune system, and can even diminish pain and discomfort in the body.

It is powerful stuff! So please use wisely. 😉


We have chosen three tips and a journal prompt to help you ENERGIZE, NOURISH, & AWAKEN.

We do every one of these practices together in our weekly  FREEDOM MOVEMENT dance and yoga journey.  You can join us live in Boulder, Colorado or online from everywhere. When we practice together it amplifies the results and to us, that is the true meaning of community.

Joyful Movement

Dancing opens up and strengthens different parts of our body we might not usually use. It also raises our energy from the inside out. Go on and move! Feel the shift inside your body. It doesn’t matter what it looks like, just what it feels like. Your own body moving to its own rhythm, you absolutely cannot get it wrong. We love moving with this song.

Recipe: No-Bake Raw Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

One of our earliest memories is the three of us climbing atop chairs to reach the counter to help our mom make cookies. We definitely snuck some dough when mom wasn't looking and that experience often ended in a tummy ache! This is our version that is reminiscent of that experience, but much easier on the belly. This is meant to be eaten raw with your fingers or with a spoon. Download the recipe here.

Heart Breath Meditation

Sit in a quiet space, close your eyes, drop your awareness into the heart space, breathe in and out of the heart. Our heart is our companion, our confidant, our truth, it holds deep wisdom and intuition and when we learn to listen, our life becomes clearer. So let’s breathe into that heart, into any tight places, and allow a feeling of expansion. Envision your heart opening and the love vibration flooding your entire system and beyond your body.  This is a powerful mantra for this practice. 

From the Heart,

Connect with us:

  • Local to the Front Range of Colorado? Join us in person for one of our upcoming events!

  • Take Shine with you wherever you go! Become a member of the Shine Living Community app for on-demand yoga, dance, Freedom Movement, Warrior Workouts, Meditation, Breathwork, and nourishing recipes. Start your free 7-day trial today!



My mission and purpose in life is to continually encourage people (including myself) to explore and dig deeper into their personal beings, to share their gifts and passions and to SHINE from the heart.

I am a certified dance instructor, a certified Somatic Centered Transformation Life Mentor/Coach and a certified Breathwork instructor. I enjoy blending all of these together and through science and your own inner wisdom, invite people to get curious, move energy, to dissolve old patterns and beliefs and to live life in joy, presence, authenticity and as an empowered creator.


Recipe: Vegan Caesar Dressing


Writing Prompt: Self-Love Activation