Thrival Kit for the Healer Within

“The same power that made the body, heals the body”

~ BJ Palmer

Now let that truth sink in for a moment… Healing is a natural function of the body and it is POWERFUL. Our body is ALWAYS moving towards healing and has incredible healing capacity.

Here at Shine Living Community, we support the natural healing process by raising our energy and by learning to deeply listen within. When we practice this in community, it amplifies the results because the energy is literally and scientifically proven to be contagious. This is why we have created an inspiring community of people willing and ready to heal from the inside out.

Dance, yoga, breath, meditation, holistic nutrition, COMMUNITY AND CONNECTION are the pathways to bring us into an elevated state and when our energy is elevated, we can see possibilities that we can’t see when we are stuck in fear. We also become empowered in our body and in our mind which brings us into balance, our healing state.

Bottomline, when we raise our energy, we change our lives.

We begin to transform our emotions and heal ourselves from the inside out. So how do we do that? It's a practice. Through our SLC tools and practices we learn to heal our emotional, physical and spiritual being. For example, in our FREEDOM MOVEMENT classes, we bring the body into balance of strength, endurance and flexibility through a journey of dance, yoga and meditation. We get beyond our edges, we learn more about ourselves and we harness joy. Joy is an emotion that is a great healer. We don’t need to sit on a mountain top with no water or food, we can heal through joy. And even in our times of pain we are invited to listen and to come into a deeper understanding of our own unique body and spirit and to love ourselves into healing. Healing is a journey, a beautiful journey because it is the journey towards knowing ourselves more deeply. And the more we know ourselves, inevitably the more we love ourselves and the more we understand and embody the divinity that we are.

We have learned first hand how powerful we are in the way of healing ourselves. Our brother, Dennis, was given a prognosis of 25 years of age to live, he is 54 years old today and we have learned so much about how and why he was able to live an incredible life way beyond what he was told.

Hear Dennis’s story here in this clip and then join us as we raise our energy together. Practicing with choreography invites our bodies to open in different ways then we might be used to. Instead of resisting, we invite you get into it 😀

This song, from one of our FREEDOM MOVEMENT classes, reminds us that when we are going through a hard time, we are not alone and to lean into a trusted and loving community is the path to healing. Song: Never Seen The Rain by Tones and I. Choreo by Jill Emich.

It is so empowering to learn to feed our bodies and our family’s bodies with deeply nourishing food. At times this can seem complicated and time-consuming. At SHINE Living Community we like to keep it simple, accessible, and doable! This delicious yam butter recipe is just that and you can use it in a ton of different ways.

Download our Yam Butter recipe here

Jessica has learned and studied what it really means to be her own healer. It took her coming through her own healing journey to really understand the power we have inside of us - to learn to make space within our system to let the healing energy flow. We all have access to it. It is just learning to align to it. Together in this FREEDOM MOVEMENT class we practice as Jessica leads us through a healing meditation.

Journal Prompt:

The Beliefs Rewrite:

  1. Write down 3 beliefs you desire to shift about yourself.

  2. Jot down the rewrite ~ What does that feel like? Practice the feeling.

  3. Commit to a shift move.

For example:

  1. Belief you want to shift: I believe I am not strong enough.

  2. Rewrite: My strength is boundless. (What does boundless feel like in your body, practice the feeling)

  3. Shift Move: What is one thing you can do to move towards the shift? For Instance around strength, I am going to commit to doing the practices above when I wake in the morning. Or head over to our free community for a variety of classes to strengthen from the inside out. We got you covered.

Be curious. Be courageous. Be creative.

Together, we SHINE in the Shine Living Community portal.


From the Heart,

Connect with us:

  • Local to the Front Range of Colorado? Join us in person for one of our upcoming events!

  • Take Shine with you wherever you go! Become a member of the Shine Living Community app for on-demand yoga, dance, Freedom Movement, Warrior Workouts, Meditation, Breathwork, and nourishing recipes.



My mission and purpose in life is to continually encourage people (including myself) to explore and dig deeper into their personal beings, to share their gifts and passions and to SHINE from the heart.

I am a certified dance instructor, a certified Somatic Centered Transformation Life Mentor/Coach and a certified Breathwork instructor. I enjoy blending all of these together and through science and your own inner wisdom, invite people to get curious, move energy, to dissolve old patterns and beliefs and to live life in joy, presence, authenticity and as an empowered creator.


Recipe: Yam Butter


Trust in Transitions